Mathematic teaching is the journal of the association of teacher of mathematic. There are four level of teaching.
1. Spiritual Level
Spiritual level in mathematic teaching is our ability to solve a mathematical problem.
2. Normative Level
In mathematics normative level include Decree, uducation system, the paradigm of education, feories of education.
3. Formal Level
Formal level is covering the curriculum and syllabus used in learning.
4. Material Level
Material level is materials that support the learning process. This level includes class materials that are used for learning adequate or not, teaching content, building, stady.
Becher and Maclure, (1978) call 2 (two) types of status of teachers in the innovation learning linked to curriculum development. First, in the curriculum that is instrumental, the teacher's role is expressed as the implementing curriculum, with develop the role of dominance towards learning mathematics are held in order to escort the students to achieve certain goals (acquire diploma / looking for work), with the assumption that students (humans) can be manipulated / engineered in the education process. Second, in the curriculum that is interactive / Individually, the role of teachers is expressed as the developer of the curriculum, by developing the function as a serving teacher / facilitator and help the learning needs of students, with the assumption that students need to be given the opportunity to express mathematical concepts initiative and constructed in accordance with the speed and readiness of each. Students have the right to learn. ( )
Can we know that Mathematics learning systems can be divided into two, that is learning system of Traditional and Progressive learning system (Innovative).
1. Traditional Learning
Traditional learning methods are single that is the traditional teaching role as teacher directed the transfer of knowledge, while students viewed as empty visual so that students passive, lack initiative, and less creative. Students receive all the things that are given by the teacher. Teachers lecture presents the material while students listen, so that students focused on the teacher. In traditional learning the teacher is to deliver students to obtain the best possible outcome, such as test scores increase in the class, national test scores.
Traditional learning is honing the brain because the students are given only rote learning, memorization and not integrated into real life. Females can be said without a clear fact. For example, in mathematics students are given a lot of formulas to solve math problems without be told the origin of these formulas, so students tend to receive so the formulas are there so they are also difficult to apply these formulas to solve mathematical problems.
Traditional learning tends to follow the culture of learning that first. So given the learning system is dropped down from ancient times until today without any changes. Students follow their teachers, principals and teachers to follow. In providing teacher-centered learning textbook or curriculum that have been defined so that the delivery of material is sometimes in a hurry because the finish of the designated curriculum and assessment are given based on the final result obtained by the student, not by the process.
Traditional learning system is formal. Students are subject to the teacher, so they learn because learning is a liability / demand. For those who violate the rules in learning will be punished.
Traditional learning is uniformity, Same objective, Same result, Same time, Same math. Lessons are given not by the needs of students and tends to eliminate the social values of students with their environment, as a result students tend to be alienated by the life that is individualistic, selfish in the act giving rise to robots in the education system.
2. Progressive Learning (Innovative)
In progressive learning (innovative) teaching that is given is physical, spiritual, social, emotional, learning means that are related to the life fact. Teaching given useful to solve mathematical problems in life.
In an innovative study, students are considered as seeds which can grow by itself. Students are more free to be creative, active in learning. While teachers act as facilitators, namely teachers help students identify tasks, guide students to gather information relevant to learning mathematics.
Innovative learning system continues to grow in accordance with the development of culture, such as using the Internet, e-mail, video performance in learning. Examples of learning mathematics learning CD are presented in accordance with the needs of students, with these students not only receive information from teachers and textbooks, but also other media that are interactive so that students are capable of constructing knowledge and understanding of the social, other than that students not only to communicate with the teacher alone but also other experts using the e-mail or chat. Then students can discover and build knowledge structure knowledge.
Assessment system in an innovative learning (progressive) not only on the final result but also the process to achieve success. In this lesson students learn because of his own consciousness. Learning take place not so formal, sometimes done in groups so that students can communicate with each other, discuss in solving problems (math problems) and the teacher patiently waited until the students can view mathematical concepts.
Marsigit.2008.Reform Movement for Dig an Develop Math Values Back to Reach Values Sublime Nation to International Standards Education.,%20Dr.,%20M.A./Makalah%20Seminar%20Jurdik%20Matematika_Marsigit.pdf, 25 Mei 2011.
Quote from Mr.Marsigit lecture, 20 Mei 2011.
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