Mathematics is meaning full, we get it since at elementary school, jinior high school, senior high scool,and my be until graduate school, port graduate.
One’s problem of mathematics education is how to develop student attitude of behave. From time to time problem of systematic education is never changes that is how how to problem mathematics edocation to be innovative.
To make an innovative education is changes traditional teaching in to progressive teaching.
Characteristics of traditional teaching it was an learn is obligate, teacher just transfer knowledge and student become passive. And characteristics of progressive teaching, teacher have a role as facilitator, student may not feel forced in follow studiying, but student needs study, so student can be active in learning.
Indonesian school majority still applaying traditional system. We know that it is not innovative and can full the creativing of student .
Traditional system must be change to progressive teaching in order that student mindset can more progress and capable to compete with other country.